About Us
Founded in 1931 at Albion Place in Southampton to practice "Excellence in Ritual", we moved to the Kings Court Masonic Centre, Chandlers Ford in 1979, where we currently meet 5 times a year to continue our long & proud history within the Province of Hampshire & the Isle of Wight. It perhaps can be said that some of our founding members were among the "movers & shakers" of their day in and around Southampton, none less so than those involved in developing the magnificent Sports Centre in the city, or indeed the Founder who was Mayor of Southampton at the time of the laying of the foundation stone for Southampton Civic Centre (hopefully in the North East corner)!
Our logo proudly displays two of the most significant buildings within the ancient Kingdom of Wessex, Stonehenge & Corfe Castle, reflecting the link between today's freemasons, and their craft forbearers responsible for their construction. But the Region contains numerous examples of the mason's skills, some well-known, others less so, and it seemed to members of Wessex Lodge that perhaps we should examine & strengthen the link between our past, and the construction practices of today.
Hence, Wessex Lodge has repositioned itself as "Wessex Lodge – The Construction Industry Lodge", a Special Interest Lodge for those engaged in or interested in the many facets of the Construction Industry. But why, you may ask, should Wessex take on this role? Throughout our history, many of our members have been engaged in construction processes in the broadest possible sense. From principals of some of the best-known construction companies in Southampton, electrical contracting engineers, refrigeration engineers, leaders in technical education and training, and a skilled stained-glass maker, its members have made their mark not only in the Lodge but within Province. One member, a Surveyor & Property specialist, rose to become Provincial Grand Master.
The Lodge today comprises a wide variety of members from construction & allied trades & professions. A Chartered Civil Engineer, a former member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, current & former members of the Chartered Institute of Building, and time served apprentices who have developed & now run their own successful building companies.
So how will the Lodge develop its Construction theme?
We will continue with the normal Masonic practice of meetings and ceremonies along with "white table" events, such as our annual St Andrew's night celebration and inter-lodge skittles & quiz evenings. When we have no ceremonies, members & guests, will research & deliver lectures that specifically explore masonic practice today and the links with the work of our craft forebearers. But we don't simply want to look at the past. What about the issues facing construction today, for example, the construction & installation of wind turbines, or the issues surrounding the development of a new Village near Fareham?
Outside of the Temple, we will arrange visits to construction projects of current interest, as well as visiting some of the sites which have contributed to the nation's infrastructure & life over the years. For instance:
- Learn about Henry V111's & Palmerston's programmes of coastal fortifications against the French
- Visit the airfield control tower that saw gliders take parachutists to D Day, then later "welcomed" Cruise missiles to these shores
- Admire the skills of the bricklayer in one of the largest brick built churches in the country, said to contain an example of every skill a craftsman could master.
- Learn about the underpinning project that saved one of the best loved buildings in the region.
- Discover what was kept in the underground vaults and admire the workmanship of these preserved remains of old Southampton.
The programme will change and develop depending on member's interests and contacts, but will at all times be aimed at bringing together like minded members of the craft who enjoy & are proud of their profession, and are interested in sharing their knowledge with other likeminded masons.
Interested? If you are not yet a Mason, involved in some way with construction, and you would like to find out more, click HERE or contact us on ……. You can learn more about the History of Wessex Lodge by clicking HERE.
If you are already a Mason why not visit us ? Visitors to the Lodge always tell us we are a friendly crowd… so if you are already a Freemason and wish to expand your Masonic interests, and are, or have been engaged in or with the Construction sector in any way, why not find out for yourself by visiting and talking to us about your specific interests. You can be sure of a warm welcome, and we look forward to seeing you, as we work together towards celebrating our 100th Anniversary in our new role as
Wessex Lodge 5297……the Construction Industry Lodge